
Is it good to ask for help?

Is it good to ask for help?

Myth: “Seeking help” undermines our own ability to cope. “Seeking help” is a sign of weakness.Truth: Reaching out and asking for help is a sign of strength, confidence, commitment and...
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Career Challenges

Career Challenges

No work satisfaction• No growth• No learning• Unfulfilled potential• No clarity on career direction• No connection to purpose/passion• No work life balance• Impact on healthFEELINGS:Is this really worth it?Can I...
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Why am I not getting promoted ? Why am I stuck ?

Why am I not getting promoted ? Why am I stuck ?

Four effective ways to get your manager to give you THAT promotion and enhance your role.Command it instead of Demand it. But how?# Be so damn brilliant and dependable in...
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Do you love difficult conversations? The high stakes ones?

Do you love difficult conversations? The high stakes ones?

I don't think so.During my career, I had to have many such conversations with individuals around performance, role redundancy, work ethics etc. In the beginning I used to be nervous....
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Are you ready for the corner office ?

Are you ready for the corner office ?

If you’re hungry for the opportunity and there’s a voice in your head whispering, Ha! You’re not ready.”This voice is your wake-up call to prepare.For a smooth ascent from wherever...
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Working towards a better version

Working towards a better version

In the course of my journey I gathered insights that went on to shape my understanding my learning about few aspects of the professional career. Things that I struggled with,...
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